If you let poor gum health go without treatment, you raise your risk for tooth loss and more! Periodontal care is vital to your long-term well-being. Our Audubon, IA, dental office takes care of patients by fighting gingivitis and providing supportive maintenance when more advanced infections take hold of a person’s smile.

Why We Take Gum Disease Seriously

Did you know that gum disease is the most common reason for tooth loss in adulthood? As an infection worsens over time, tissue damage and attachment loss weakens the support that your teeth enjoy. This leads to losses and the need for extractions.

Unfortunately, when an infection progresses, it can reach a point where periodontal problems become permanent. If this has happened to you, we can respond with consistent care to prevent complications and stop the infection from progressing and causing further trouble for your health.

Scheduling A Special Cleaning To Fight Gingivitis

We offer deep cleanings to fight the bacteria on the roots of your teeth. By removing these agents and polishing the surfaces of your roots to stop future bacterial growth, we reverse gingivitis and protect your gums. Our office uses an ultrasonic tool to make the process of clearing away bacteria more comfortable, improving your experience with this service while still protecting you.

Deep Cleanings Keep Advanced Periodontal Disease Under Control

Patients with advanced periodontal problems can benefit from more frequent preventive care. With deep cleanings scheduled every 3-4 months, we can fight the buildup of bacteria on your teeth roots and stop your condition from worsening. This is an important measure for preventing difficulties with tooth loss and other complications related to poor gum health.