Dr. Fleshner and our team believe in building relationships with patients by going beyond basic care to ensure their needs and concerns are always met. Your initial appointment is important to establishing that relationship, and we strive to make sure every first visit is a positive one.

Whether you are coming in for your own care or booking a visit for your child, the following can help you make the most of this first trip to our office:

Patient Forms And Dental Records

Completing our online patient forms before your visit will speed up the intake process and help you see Dr. Fleshner sooner. We also recommend that you have your dental records and medical history available. If you do not have recent X-rays, we can take X-ray images during your initial appointment.

What To Expect During Your Visit

During your appointment, we will review your dental health history and review any information about past care. If necessary, we can take images of your teeth and oral structures with our digital x-ray technology. You will also have a thorough visual examination with Dr. Fleshner. We encourage you to think about questions you might want to ask about your smile or our services during this time, and we want you to share what you are looking for when it comes to the right oral health support.

The care that follows this initial visit will depend on your goals and current needs. That can mean proceeding with a dental cleaning, or it can mean making plans for more involved work to address any smile or oral health concerns.