Whether you need to close the gap left by a single lost tooth or have many in need of replacement, our practice can help. Audubon residents come to us for custom work with dental bridges as well as partial and full dentures. You will receive detailed information on these treatment options, as well as options that include additional support from dental implants. At the end of your treatment, you can feel excited to have restored confidence in your smile, health, and bite function!

Smile Restoration With A Dental Bridge

A custom dental bridge will stay in position to permanently close a gap in your smile from a missing tooth (or several adjacent teeth). These restorations are held in place by dental crowns connected to them on either side of your gap.

Our practice takes detailed impressions and measurements to ensure that your bridge is the ideal shape and size to close your smile gap. The prosthesis is made to offer years of bite support and will closely match natural teeth to return the full look of your smile.

How Dentures Respond To Different Tooth Loss Concerns

Dentures restore smiles that are affected by more severe forms of tooth loss. Through careful planning and placement, yours can provide a comfortable fit throughout the day, making your transition back to a complete smile easier. We provide different types of dentures, all of which can give you back confidence in your smile, speech, and bite health:

  • Partial dentures close multiple gaps when you have several teeth to replace. A pair of clasps on the backs of teeth will help keep the restoration secure so that you can bite, chew, and speak without difficulty.
  • Full dentures replace rows of teeth. They remain in position because they are carefully shaped to fit your mouth and jaw structure. Natural suction and assistance from dental epoxies provide support to keep restorations comfortable and stable all day long.
  • A set of dental implants can actually give you a permanent denture! This arrangement can help by providing more bite support and long-term protection for your jaw.