Aging brings inevitable health changes and challenges. A dentist who meets your changing dental care needs will better protect your smile! Our office is skilled at meeting the needs of aging and senior patients who want to keep their teeth in the best possible condition. Beyond providing ongoing preventive services, we can restore and replace teeth as needed to support your bite health and appearance.

Consistency with care is important for anyone, but it can be especially so for people who are worried about their smile health changing with age. We can build a treatment plan that addresses any problems you already face. We also offer ongoing support to limit your health risks over time and help you preserve your best smile. Ultimately, you make the difference in the kind of care you receive, as we will tailor our services around your needs.

Will Aging Make It Harder To Protect My Smile?

There are several issues that can make oral health more challenging to maintain as we age, including:

Whether you find yourself struggling with one or more of these issues—or with different concerns—we can help! All of our patients receive personal care, and we take your role in maintaining your smile health seriously. As a result, we shape your visits around your needs and concerns to make sure you have the best possible experience!

Adjusting Your Care Needs Over Time

Consistent dental checkups and cleanings provide important information about your health. They help us prevent problems and keep up with gradual changes that are occurring. For patients who regularly visit, we can keep adjusting our support as needed to provide the right kind of care. If you are new to our office or have had a longer break from dental appointments, we can build a foundation of trust as we identify and resolve any problems with your smile.

We Provide Smart Solutions To Tooth Loss And Other Concerns

Tooth loss, dental decay, and enamel wear are all areas of concern. For aging and senior patients worried about these issues, we provide restorative dental work that improves bite function, health and appearances! We can discuss the benefits of implant dentistry for tooth loss, including tooth loss that will call for dentures. We also provide crowns that you can trust to preserve your bite health and mimic the appearance of natural teeth.