Your local Audubon dentist is here to help you with more than just routine smile care! Our office is able to help with significant and difficult problems, including problems that require oral surgery. Dr. Fleshner will break down treatment and its long-term benefits when this kind of treatment is recommended.

What To Expect When You Need Oral Surgery

Hearing that you need oral surgery can be stressful, but having a local practice ready to care for you can make the experience less difficult. We build trust with patients by being open and communicating their needs to them rather than rushing into services.

You can look forward to detailed instructions on preparing for and recovering from your surgery. In addition to explaining the procedures and what they will do for your oral health, we can provide guidance on how this care fits into larger plans for restoring your health.

Oral Surgery Related To Tooth Loss And Prosthetic Treatment

We provide ridge augmentation and ridge preservation to help patients qualify for dental implant placement. Both help you deal with the harmful effects of jawbone deterioration occurring after tooth loss. We will recommend ridge preservation as part of plans for tooth extraction. By doing so, we preserve the socket, making it easier for you to receive your implant. Ridge augmentation restores the bone and surrounding gum tissues after deterioration occurs.

We Provide Wisdom Tooth Extractions

Our office can take care of a wisdom tooth extraction that you or a family member need to arrange. The procedure differs from a typical extraction for several reasons: These teeth are not replaced, so no prosthetic work will follow their removal. Also, Dr. Fleshner can recommend their removal before they start to erupt to prevent damage to neighboring teeth and crowding issues that can occur as they move into place.